"Raggedy around the edges but full of truth and warm fuzzy hugs"

Sunday, 13 October 2013


Elle in their November magazine did a whole feature of feminism and why it's nothing to be ashamed of, so why is it?

  • Mother's feminism campaign
Mother's feminism campaign

What do you think of when someone says the word Feminism?

I'm sure a large majority of male readers will turn away now. And do I blame them? Not really. I don't want to listen to conversations about football so why should they read about 'Feminism', that isn't misogyny it is an actual gender disinterest. If you're a girl and like football, so what? If you're male and want to read Sali Hughes talking about flicky eye liner than be my guest. If you expect women to work the same job as a man but get pain less than half of what he earns that is where the problem begins.

One fact for you. 99% of the worlds wealth is owned by men. ONE PERCENT is earnt and owned by women.

I spoke to a man on Wednesday and he says there is no taboo around 'Feminism', he then proceeded to make a joke about women knowing their place.  That same evening my brother showed me a video which ended with the quote 'Women know your limits'. This sort of comment doesn't actually bother me, maybe I am lazy, I just think if you are actually comfortable in yourself and comfortable being an actual human female then these comments shouldn't really bother you. There is not one type of person for each gender.

I am a woman but feel uncomfortable saying I am a feminist as I think there is a bubble around it. Feminism must mean that all women are scary, hairy, manly humans who enjoy nothing more then slagging off men to those who 'can't decided' or 'don't know', right guys? Right? WRONG and secretly you know it or do you? DO any of us actually know what it means?

Feminism shouldn't be but is an unattractive word, Zooey Deschanel is a beautifully brilliant woman, as is Beyonce and they both call themselves 'Modern Feminists' as does Keira Knightly and of course the wonderful CAITLIN MORAN. Feminism doesn't mean never going near men, never having sex, never wearing make-up and never buying nice underwear.

Of course minorities have taken it to the extremes, but we shouldn't be afraid to say it.

Feminism is equality. In a nut shell.

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