"Raggedy around the edges but full of truth and warm fuzzy hugs"

Friday, 9 August 2013

You just have to write.

I think the main reason for a blog is to be noticed. You want yours to be different to his or hers. "Oh but that bit was really funny in her blog yesterday..." Or "Well I would never have thought to write that maybe I should retreat into the safety of my bedroom, no one will judge me there"
I'm writing this because I want to become a better writer and I am aware that this doesn't happen over night, it's going to take time, energy and a lot, a lot of perseverance. 

I will soon be embarking in a whole new direction. I've spoken about it before, my NCTJ course in Brighton. I am so excited because it actually feels like a right decision, University for me was not. But on the other hand I am scared, it sounds so dramatic but I am not the girl that shouts things out and makes her self heard around new people and I fear journalism is not that place for those with lower self esteem, please don't get me wrong I'm not a mouse and can be bossy and opinionated, it's just that first meet and greet with a whole new group of people. 

And so I think it is time for me to sit down and have a really good talk AT myself.

I am inspired to change because I want this. This is really what I want to work for, to prove to people that it wasn't a mistake leaving uni. And so little challenges must be set for the next four weeks to make sure that I go into my course all guns blazing, no excuses for blushing when asked to speak in a group, would The Times want someone like that, no they bloody wouldn't and I don't blame them.

The main thing must be...confidence is one thing, arrogance is another. I don't want it to go the opposite way, learning to cope by me, me, meeing. It's boring and everyone hates THAT person. So I will not be the HATED soul of the group (hopefully) I will be the one who brings cakes and some strong opinions of today's society and how I think we should and shouldn't be treated, people like that right?

Little and often. Little and often.

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